Monday, March 1, 2010

Summer Film Discussion

I'm suggesting Saturday, July 24, 2010---

Since it's summer, I'm going to assume that someone will have to miss; summer schedules are iffy, at best. But I'm throwing that date out there in the hopes that if we place it on our calendars in early March, we can try and schedule around it if something comes up in the interim.

(Oh, and remember, the protests of one of our number notwithstanding, WIVES and/or significant others and/or friends of any gender who you think might be interested ARE INVITED to this screening/discussion. Ahem.)

How's this date work for you guys? Do we have quorum?


  1. The date sounds good (for now)...LOL. Is the plan to rent a movie or see a movie at a theatre?

  2. I'm feeling July 24th (for now) as well

  3. I've actually got a particular, fairly provocative film I would love to screen for the gathering. It's a comedy, and I'd rather not reveal the title, but yeah---I think it'd be fun to screen this particular film and then talk about it as an expanded group...

  4. Count me in. I'll take one for the team. :)
    Just kidding. It'll be fine.
    Right? :)


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