Saturday, November 12, 2011


Nominations are hereby open for our January 21, 2012 selection. Nominated books should be "TOPICAL" OR "ISSUES NONFICTION this time. You are free to nominate two (2) books. Nominations will stay open until Wednesday night. On Thursday and Friday we will vote on the nominated books.

This Saturday, of course, we will meet at 5pm in the usual space to discuss Is Marriage for White People, by Richard Ralph Banks. Looking forward to it!


  1. Milan Ford, 83 Things I Wish the Black Church Would Stop Doing

    Rob Bell, Love Wins: A Book About Heaven, Hell, and the Fate of Every Person Who Ever Lived

  2. Toure, Who's Afraid of Post-Blackness?: What It Means to be Black Now

    (There's an excellent chance Toure will be giving a talk on his book at UR; I might be able to get us a private meeting with him, as well...)

  3. Sorry I was unable to nominate a book this go round. My wife and I are now the proud parents of a baby girl (born 11/14). I will be at the meeting to tell you guys all about our "movie" like experience.


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